[創新設計]空氣雨傘(Air umbrella)_應用氣流原理的Innovation產品設計

對於創意人與設計人來說,擁有充足的資金絕對是實現創作與設計理想的重要基石。在台灣雖然已有FlyingV這個設計與產品創新的募資募款平台,但國外的Kickstarter更是包含了世界各地創意人的創新設計發表。這篇介紹這款有趣的Air umbrella,就是從這募資平台上看到的創意,已經有募到超過10萬元美金

[創新設計]空氣雨傘(Air umbrella):應用氣流原理的Innovation產品設計(推薦,飛機,登機,回收,隨身行李,品牌,日文,totes,Kickstarter,創意募資平台)



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What is Air umbrella (from: Kickstarter website)

Air is everywhere on the earth. The flowing air can change the moving path of the object. The faster the air moves, the greater the energy is. The jet airflow can isolate some objects. So when we make use of the airflow, we can protect ourselves from the rain drops. Then the airflow forms an umbrella without a visible cover. Based on this idea, we designed various types of air umbrella with postgraduates from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics from July in 2012 to August in 2013.We also tested the air umbrellas on rainy days.

[創新設計]空氣雨傘(Air umbrella)應用氣流原理的Innovation產品設計(推薦,飛機,登機,回收,隨身行李,品牌,日文,totes,Kickstarter,創意募資平台)001

Luckily, one of our samples achieved the goal of protecting one or even more persons from the rain in the test in November 2012. But the product still needed more improvement. As the sample was designed to take a large amount of airflow, the top was big, which didn’t achieve the portable characteristic. To design a better looking product, we cooperated with a few PhD graduates from Beijing University of Aeronautics andAstronautics to improve the design. After a year’s hard work, we finally improved the appearance of the umbrella which may influence the effect. But at least, we could really use it outdoor on rainy days.

[創新設計]空氣雨傘(Air umbrella)應用氣流原理的Innovation產品設計(推薦,飛機,登機,回收,隨身行李,品牌,日文,totes,Kickstarter,創意募資平台)004

In July 2014, we finished the new sample and colored the product to make it better-looking. And this sample is what we show as air umbrella-b in out pictures and videos. Currently, we only put the air umbrella-b into practice. According to different demands of various users, we designed two more types of umbrellas based on air umbrella-b (basic style), that is, air umbrella-a (for female) and air umbrella-c (scalable). Based on the appearance of umbrella-b, we made design drawings of air umbrella-a and air umbrella-c for your reference.


Risks and challenges

In 2014.7, we decided the basic plan for the first product. The plan achieved improvement in various aspects such as efficiency, appearance, flexibility and practicability. From 2014.10 to 2015.7, we will improve our products from various aspects such as appearance,and auxiliary function (including power display function and mobile power supply function)based on the plan. In September 2015, the first improved products will come out from factory. Before December 2015, the products will be sent to our supporters.

[創新設計]空氣雨傘(Air umbrella)應用氣流原理的Innovation產品設計(推薦,飛機,登機,回收,隨身行李,品牌,日文,totes,Kickstarter,創意募資平台)002
[創新設計]空氣雨傘(Air umbrella)應用氣流原理的Innovation產品設計(推薦,飛機,登機,回收,隨身行李,品牌,日文,totes,Kickstarter,創意募資平台)003

It will still take nearly 10 months to improve the product.After the completion, we will send all the parts to the manufacturers for production. And the competed products will be sent to our supporters.If the products can not be produced successfully,we will return all the fund to the supporters.Besides,if we are not able to complete the products and send them to our supporters before December 31st 2015, we will return all the money to the supporters before January 31st 2016.
(下面是空氣雨傘Air umbrella的Product Concept Animation, 除了雨傘的創新設計概念之外,請同學也可以參考如何透過一部影片的劇情設計,去充份表現出一個產品的概念;更重要的是,要能夠感動看影片的人,故事性與生活的連結亦十分重要!)




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[創新設計]空氣雨傘(Air umbrella):應用氣流原理的Innovation產品設計(推薦,飛機,登機,回收,隨身行李,品牌,日文,totes,Kickstarter,Original,原創,創意募資平台)


    創作者 Yo-Wen Liang 的頭像
    Yo-Wen Liang

    梁又文老師:設計與多媒體達人研究工作室 (Teacher Yo-Wen Liang: Master of Multimedia & Design Research Studio).設計/Art藝術/Research研究/Training教學.訓練.家教/大學授課/研究/統計服務

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