[科技]微軟從照片圖像辨識出你的實際年齡年紀,性別與個人資料(Microsoft,APP,framework,API,How Old Robot,PowerBI,Virality in Real Time)
[友站合作]明日之臉(face of tomorrow)計畫:分析各國女性大眾臉都是美女(Click)
[廠商必看]衝人氣部落格真假流量,免費查詢洗人氣:SimilarWeb pro (Click)
[APP]Facebook,FB影片下載網站教學:FVD Video Downloader一鍵下載(Click)
Quikkly教學,Action Tags掃瞄應用:FB自動按讚(Click)
[Youtube影片]最新免費音樂,音效配樂資料庫,素材: 官方授權免費下載(Click)
Fraps的介面說明與操作教學-1: 介面設定與教學篇(Click)
About Mocrosoft 意外受到歡迎的照片辨識年紀服務
Fun with ML, Stream Analytics and PowerBI: Observing Virality in Real Time
We were playing with Microsoft’s newly released Face detection API’s through a webpage called: This is a fun story of how we were expecting perhaps 50 users for a test, but in the end, got over 35,000 users and saw the whole thing unfold in real time.
This page lets users upload a picture and have the API predict the age and gender of any faces recognized in that picture. We sent email to a group of several hundred people asking them to try the page for a few minutes and give us feedback – optimistically hoping that at least 50 people would give it a shot. We monitored our real time analytics dashboard to track usage and, within a few minutes, the number of people using the site vastly exceeded the number of people we had sent our email to. We watched the usage quickly spread across continents, and, 3 hours later, here is what our dashboard showed:
We were shocked. Within a few hours, over 35,000 users had hit the page from all over the world (about 29k of them from Turkey, as it turned out – apparently there were a bunch of tweets from Turkey mentioning this page). What a great example of people having fun thanks to the power of ML!
We also got real time insights to learn more about how people were using this tool. For instance, we assumed that folks would not want to upload their own pictures but would prefer to select from pre-canned images such as what they found online. But we what we found out was that over half the pictures analyzed were of people who had uploaded their own images. We used this insight to improve the user experience and did some additional testing around image uploads from mobile devices. Given the power of such real time insights, we could have also tested additional ideas around things such as page layout and get instant feedback around the same.
About Mocrosoft 使用教學與體驗
2.接續,請按下畫面中的[Use Your own Photo] (使用你自己的照片),選擇要做為分析的照片。
3.完成後,請見下方的結果:87歲 XD (其實感覺馬英九外表應該是沒有上面寫的那麼老...)
[友站合作]明日之臉(face of tomorrow)計畫:分析各國女性大眾臉都是美女(Click)
[廠商必看]衝人氣部落格真假流量,免費查詢洗人氣:SimilarWeb pro (Click)
[APP]Facebook,FB影片下載網站教學:FVD Video Downloader一鍵下載(Click)
Quikkly教學,Action Tags掃瞄應用:FB自動按讚(Click)
[Youtube影片]最新免費音樂,音效配樂資料庫,素材: 官方授權免費下載(Click)
Fraps的介面說明與操作教學-1: 介面設定與教學篇(Click)
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免費線上類Zbrush 5軟體下載:ScluptGL,輕鬆做出細緻造型(Click)
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[Adobe Photoshop] [數位科技與軟體應用] [技能.專業證照相關]
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[科技]微軟從照片圖像辨識出你的實際年齡年紀,性別與個人資料(Microsoft,APP,framework,API,How Old Robot,PowerBI,Virality in Real Time)