


We would like to invite you to share your experience and your papers with academicians, teachers and professionals. We are grateful to give more opportunities for participants around the world for submit the papers with the time line (extension period)

Abstract Deadline : Until 21 June 2013

Full Article Deadline : Until 10 August 2013

Registration Fee Deadline : Until 20 July 2013

We are charging one registration fees policy, that is US $ 450 for (大約13500台幣,加機票可能就2W多了,但因為距離近,缺發表條件次數的可考慮)

1.Inclusion on two day conference program (program, breaks, lunch, gala dinner, certificate, conference kits, and proceeding)

2.Two days Single Room Accommodation at the Conference Hotel Venue 

3.Free airport transfers (Malang city airport) from and to the conference venue hotel.

4.Tickets for fruit picking at the hotel Agro Tourism facilities

5.Free transport to Malang metro (after conference program)




APMBA International Conference 2013 aims to provide a multinational platform where the latest trends in management and business sciences can be presented anddiscussed in a friendly environment with the aim to learn from academia’s and practitioners around the globe with the interest in the growing Asia-Pacific region.

Prospective presenters are encouraged to submit proposals for papers and posters/demonstrations that offer new research or theoretical contributions. Presentations should be in English and should address both theoretical issues and new research findings as well as practical case study.

For further information on how to submit, please refer to the Paper Submission section on our website. For paper guidelines, please refer to the Paper Format section or details go to http://apmba.ub.ac.id. AICMBS 2013 conference is supported by University of Brawijaya and APMBA Journal and will take place on September 5 – 6 in Kusuma Agrowisata Hotel, Batu,

East Java, Indonesia.









[國際研討會] APMBA International Conference 2013 in Indonesia (Malang city airport, metro, airport transfers, gala dinner, certificate, Asia-Pacific region, hotel Agro Tourism facilities, Free transport)

    創作者 Yo-Wen Liang 的頭像
    Yo-Wen Liang

    梁又文老師:設計與多媒體達人研究工作室 (Teacher Yo-Wen Liang: Master of Multimedia & Design Research Studio).設計/Art藝術/Research研究/Training教學.訓練.家教/大學授課/研究/統計服務

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